
General tips

  • Upgrade to the latest version of Docker and Docker-Compose.
  • Make sure expected containers are running with docker ps.
  • Check the logs with docker-compose logs and docker logs <container name>.
  • Additional information is available via the admin interface that is not available from the UI. To access the admin interface, log in as an account that has superuser status and under “Welcome, <your name>,” click Admin. By default, a superuser account called sfmadmin is created. The password can be found in .env.

Specific problems

Bind error

If when bringing up the containers you receive something like:

ERROR: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint docker_sfmuiapp_1 (98caab29b4ba3c2b08f70fdebad847980d80a29a2c871164257e454bc582a060): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

it means another application is already using a port configured for SFM. Either shut down the other application or choose a different port for SFM. (Chances are the other application is Apache.)

Bad Request (400)

If you receive a Bad Request (400) when trying to access SFM, your SFM_HOST environment variable is not configured correctly. For more information, see ALLOWED_HOSTS.

Social Network Login Failure for Twitter

If you receive a Social Network Login Failure when trying to connect a Twitter account, make sure that the Twitter app from which you got the Twitter credentials is configured with a callback URL. The URL you provide doesn’t matter.

Docker problems

If you are having problems bringing up the Docker containers (e.g., driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint), restart the Docker service. On Ubuntu, this can be done with:

# service docker stop
docker stop/waiting
# service docker status
docker stop/waiting
# service docker start
docker start/running, process 15039

Still stuck?

Contact the SFM team. We’re happy to help.