API Credentials

Accessing the APIs of social media platforms requires credentials for authentication (also knows as API keys). Social Feed Manager supports managing those credentials.

Credentials/authentication allow a user to collect data through a platform’s API. For some social media platforms (e.g., Twitter and Tumblr), Limits are placed on methods and rate of collection on a per credential basis.

SFM users are responsible for creating their own new credentials so that they can control their own collection rates and can ensure that they are following each platform’s API policies.

Most API credentials have two parts: an application credential and a user credential.(Flickr is the exception – only an application credential is necessary.)

For more information about platform-specific policies, consult the documentation for each social media platform’s API.

Managing credentials

SFM supports two approaches to managing credentials: adding credentials and connecting credentials. Both of these options are available from the Credentials page.

Adding credentials

For this approach, a user gets the application and/or user credential from the social media platform and provides them to SFM by completing a form. More information on getting credentials is below.

Connecting credentials

This is the easiest approach for users.

For this approach, SFM is configured with the application credentials for the social media platform by the systems administrator. The user credentials are obtained by the user being redirected to the social media website to give permission to SFM to access her account.

SFM is configured with the application credentials in the .env. If additional management is necessary, it can be performed using the Social Accounts section of the Admin interface.

Platform specifics


Twitter credentials can be obtained from the Twitter API.

For detailed instructions, see Adding Twitter Credentials.

It is recommended to change the application permissions to read-only. You must provide a callback URL, but the URL you provide doesn’t matter.


Flickr credentials can be obtained from the Flickr API.

For detailed instructions, see Adding Flickr Credentials.


Tumblr credentials can be obtained from the Tumblr API.

For detailed instructions, see Adding Tumblr Credentials.


For instructions on obtaining Weibo credentials, see this guide.

To use the connecting credentials approach for Weibo, the redirect URL must match the application’s actual URL and use port 80.

Adding Twitter Credentials

The easiest way to set up Twitter credentials is to connect them to your personal Twitter account (or another Twitter account you control). If you want more fine-tuned control, you can manually set up application-level credentials (see below).

To connect to Twitter credentials, first sign in to Twitter with the account you want to use. Then, on the Credentials page, click Connect to Twitter. A window will pop up from Twitter, asking you for authorization. Click authorize, and your credentials will automatically connect.

Once credentials are connected, you can start Creating Collections.

Manually adding Twitter Credentials, rather than connecting them automatically using your Twitter account (see above), gives you greater control over your credentials and allows you to use multiple credentials.

To manually add credentials:
  • Navigate to https://apps.twitter.com/.

  • Sign in to Twitter and select “Create New App.”

  • Enter a name for the app like Social Feed Manager or the name of a new Collection Set.

  • Enter a description. You may copy and paste: This is a social media research and archival tool, which collects data for academic researchers through an accessible user interface. * Enter a Website such as the SFM url. Any website will work.

  • Enter a Callback URL that is the SFM url.

  • Review and agree to the Twitter Developer Agreement and click Create your Twitter Application.

  • Recommended:
    • Click on your new application.
    • Navigate to the Permissions tab.
    • Select Read only then Update settings.
  • Go to the Credentials page of SFM, and click Add Twitter Credential.

  • Fill out all fields:
    • On the Twitter apps page (https://apps.twitter.com/) click your new application.
    • Navigate to the Keys and Access Tokens tab.
    • From the top half of the page, copy and paste into the matching fields in SFM: Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
    • From the bottom half of the page, copy and paste into the matching

    fields in SFM: Access Token and Access Token Secret.

  • Click Save

Adding Flickr Credentials

  • Navigate to https://www.flickr.com/services/api/keys/.
  • Sign in to your Yahoo! account.
  • Click Get Another Key
  • Choose Apply for a Non-commercial key, which is for API users that are not charging a fee.
  • Enter an Application Name like Social Feed Manager
  • Enter Application Description such as: This is a social media research and archival tool, which collects data for academic researchers through an accessible user interface.
  • Check both checkboxes
  • Click Submit
  • Navigate to the SFM Credentials page and click Add Flicker Credential
  • Enter the Key and Secret in the correct fields and save.

Adding Tumblr Credentials

  • Navigate to https://www.tumblr.com/oauth/apps/.
  • Sign in to Tumblr.
  • Click Register Application
  • Enter an Application Name like Social Feed Manager
  • Enter a website such as the SFM url
  • Enter Application Description such as: This is a social media research and archival tool, which collects data for academic researchers through an accessible user interface.
  • Enter Administrative contact email. You should use your own email.
  • Enter default callback url, the same url used for the website.
  • Click Register
  • Navigate to the SFM Credentials page and click Add Tumblr Credential
  • Enter the OAuth Consumer Key in the API key field and save.

Adding Weibo Credentials

For instructions on obtaining Weibo credentials, see this guide.

To use the connecting credentials approach for Weibo, the redirect URL must match the application’s actual URL and use port 80.