
Your social media data can be used in a processing/analysis pipeline. SFM provides several tools and approaches to support this.


Warc iterators

A warc iterator tool provides an iterator to the social media data contained in WARC files. When used from the commandline, it writes out the social items one at a time to standard out. (Think of this as cat-ing a line-oriented JSON file. It is also equivalent to the output of Twarc.)

Each social media type has a separate warc iterator tool. For example, extracts tweets recorded from the Twitter REST API. For example:

usage: [-h] [--pretty] [--dedupe]
                                 filepaths [filepaths ...]

Here is a list of the warc iterators:

  • Tweets recorded from Twitter REST API.
  • Tweets recorded from Twitter Streaming API.
  • Flickr photos
  • Weibos
  • Tumblr posts

Warc iterator tools can also be used as a library.

Find Warcs helps put together a list of WARC files to be processed by other tools, e.g., warc iterator tools. (It gets the list of WARC files by querying the SFM API.)

Here is arguments it accepts:

usage: [-h] [--include-web] [--harvest-start HARVEST_START]
                     [--harvest-end HARVEST_END] [--api-base-url API_BASE_URL]
                     [--debug [DEBUG]]
                     collection [collection ...]

For example, to get a list of the WARC files in a particular collection, provide some part of the collection id:

root@0ac9caaf7e72:/sfm-data# 4f4d1

(In this case there is only one WARC file. If there was more than one, it would be space separated.)

The collection id can be found from the SFM UI.

Note that if you are running from outside a Docker environment, you will need to supply --api-base-url.


Processing in container

To bootstrap processing, a processing image is provided. A container instantiated from this image is Ubuntu 14.04 and pre-installed with the warc iterator tools,, and some other use tools. It will also have read-only access to the data from /sfm-data.

The other tools are:

To instantiate:

docker-compose run --rm processing /bin/bash

You will then be provided with a bash shell inside the container from which you can execute commands:

root@0ac9caaf7e72:/sfm-processing# 4f4d1 | xargs | python /opt/twarc/utils/

Setting PROCESSOR_VOLUME in .env to a host volume will link /sfm-processing to your local filesystem. You can place scripts in this directory to make them available inside the processing container or write output files to this directory to make them available outside the processing container.

Note that once you exit the processing container, the container will be automatically removed. However, if you have saved all of your scripts and output files to /sfm-processing, they will be available when you create a new processing container.

Processing locally

In a typical Docker configuration, the data directory will be linked into the Docker environment. This means that the data is available both inside and outside the Docker environment. Given this, processing can be performed locally (i.e., outside of Docker).

The various tools can be installed locally:

GLSS-F0G5RP:tmp justinlittman$ virtualenv ENV
GLSS-F0G5RP:tmp justinlittman$ source ENV/bin/activate
(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:tmp justinlittman$ pip install git+
(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:tmp justinlittman$ pip install git+
(ENV)GLSS-F0G5RP:tmp justinlittman$
usage: [-h] [--pretty] [--dedupe]
                                 filepaths [filepaths ...] error: too few arguments


Extracting URLs

The “Extracting URLs from #PulseNightclub for seeding web archiving” blog post provides some useful guidance on extracting URLs from tweets, including unshortening and sorting/counting.

Exporting to line-oriented JSON files

This recipe is for exporting social media data from WARC files to line-oriented JSON files. There will be one JSON file for each WARC. This may be useful for some processing or for loading into some analytic tools.

This recipe uses parallel for parallelizing the export.

Create a list of WARC files: 7c37157 | tr ' ' '\n' > source.lst

Replace 7c37157 with the first few characters of the collection id that you want to export. The collection id is available on the colllection detail page in SFM UI.

Create a list of JSON destination files:

cat source.lst | xargs basename -a | sed 's/.warc.gz/.json/' > dest.lst

This command puts all of the JSON files in the same directory, using the filename of the WARC file with a .json file extension.

If you want to maintain the directory structure, but use a different root directory:

cat source.lst | sed 's/sfm-data\/collection_set/sfm-processing\/export/' | sed 's/.warc.gz/.json/'

Replace sfm-processing/export with the root directory that you want to use.

Perform the export:

parallel -a source.lst -a dest.lst --xapply " {1} > {2}"

Replace with the name of the warc iterator for the type of social media data that you are exporting.

You can also perform a filter on export using jq. For example, this only exports tweets in Spanish:

parallel -a source.lst -a dest.lst --xapply " {1} | jq -c 'select(.lang == \"es\")' > {2}"

And to save space, the JSON files can be gzip compressed:

parallel -a source.lst -a dest.lst --xapply " {1} | gzip > {2}"

You might also want to change the file extension of the destination file to ”.json.gz” by adjusting the commmand use to create the list of JSON destination files. To access the tweets in a gzipped JSON file, use:

gzip -c <filepath>

Using jq to process JSON

For tips on using jq with JSON from Twitter and other sources, see: