
This page contains information about Docker that is useful for installation, administration, and development.

Installing Docker

Docker Engine and Docker Compose

On OS X:

  • Install the Docker for Mac.
  • If you are using Docker Toolbox, switch to Docker for Mac.

On Ubuntu:

  • If you have difficulties with the apt install, try the pip install.
  • The docker group is automatically created. Adding your user to the docker group avoids having to use sudo to run docker commands. Note that depending on how users/groups are set up, you may need to manually need to add your user to the group in /etc/group.

Helpful commands

docker-compose up -d
Bring up all of the containers specified in the docker-compose.yml file. If a container has not yet been pulled, it will be pulled. If a container has not yet been built it will be built. If a container has been stopped (“killed”) it will be re-started. Otherwise, a new container will be created and started (“run”).
docker-compose pull
Pull the latest images for all of the containers specified in the docker-compose.yml file with the image field.
docker-compose build
Build images for all of the containers specified in the docker-compose.yml file with the build field. Add --no-cache to re-build the entire image (which you might want to do if the image isn’t building as expected).
docker ps
List running containers. Add -a to also list stopped containers.
docker-compose kill
Stop all containers.
docker kill <container name>
Stop a single container.
docker-compose rm -v --force
Delete the containers and volumes.
docker rm -v <container name>
Delete a single container and volume.
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -v
Delete all containers.
docker-compose logs
List the logs from all containers. Add -f to follow the logs.
docker logs <container name>
List the log from a single container. Add -f to follow the logs.
docker-compose -f <docker-compose.yml filename> <command>
Use a different docker-compose.yml file instead of the default.
docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash
Shell into a container.
docker rmi <image name>
Delete an image.
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Delete all images
docker-compose scale <service name>=<number of instances>
Create multiple instances of a service.

Scaling up with Docker

To create multiple instances of a service, use docker-compose scale. This can be used to created multiple instances of a harvester when the queue for that harvester is too long.

To spread containers across multiple containers, use Docker Swarm.

Using compose in production provides some additional guidance.